What Is Impact of Academic Depression on Academic Career

Impact of Academic Depression
Stress and anxiety are part of academic career that often lead to academic depression in various cases. Academic depression can affect every aspect of a student’s life among them the most important is their academic career. Academic stress becomes inevitable in the circumstances where students have limited time and capabilities to complete their academic-related demands. According to various studies, 30% of students go through academic stress during their academic careers.

There are various causes that lead to the academic stress in students such as fear of failure in an academic setting, sleep deprivation, upcoming tests and exams and heavy workload. Research by a coursework writing service shows that the increase in academic stress tends to academic depression which makes it tough for the students to focus on their classes and other academic goals.

Academic depression can cause serious issues in the academic career of a student. A student suffering from this disorder struggles more to achieve consistency in academic results. A student may perform well one day but it is hard to finish a single task on next day. Their inconsistent behavior also confuses the teachers and they do not understand how to handle the particular situation. Students feel frustrated that affect their study routine. They focus less on their work and worry more about the circumstances.

This condition become more worse when they participate in various behaviors that allow them to avoid attending their lectures and skipping important events and situations that are important for their academic success. In such cases, teachers must be aware of the changing attitudes of the students and devise strategies to help them overcome their condition.

As students lose focus and concentration in studies due to stress and anxiety there are more chances that these barriers lead them to school refusal, or school phobia. Sometimes academic depression becomes so severe that students start avoiding going to educational institutions. Studies suggest that a major number of students who leave school early claimed that academic stress and depression was the primary reason for them leaving. The impacts of academic depression on academic performance not only affect the students and their families but it also brought negative impact for the economy and society as a whole because the individuals are lacking in necessary academic skills.

Stress and anxiety are unavoidable factors in academic career but they lead to depression in the cases where students don’t devise solutions to cater their problems. Students who don’t identify their issues regarding academia are more likely to fell into the trap of depression and anxiety. When these problems are not identified and addressed properly they become long-term risks for the students. A student dealing with academic depression can experience negative effects on various capabilities and skills that are essential for academic success. It can affect their focus, interpretation, concentration and memory.

These factors play a vital role in academic success and achievement. A student who has issues of anxiety and depression will more likely focus on the complexities rather than focusing on what can be the possible solution of the particular behavior. Individuals will find it extremely difficult to focus their attention on positive thoughts they will often assume the worst case scenario that can be very exhausting for the students. 

These disorders also impact memory of the students and it becomes hard for them to retain information. Memory is crucial for success in academic career but depression can severely affect it. Students facing the problems of academic depression avoid engaging in social situations and as a result feeling lonely and more depressed about their state. Academic depression not only has negative impacts on your academic activities but it also affects your physical health. If the students are not physically fit they will never participate actively in their classrooms. It often leads to missed school days causing the students to fall behind in their various academic activities.

To conclude the discussion we can suggest that academic depression is directly related to academic performance of a student. Students have to analyse their problems and find solutions for them. They should discuss their academic issues with their family and teachers as they can help them to sort out these issues. If they will not aim to solve their problems they will constantly miss out opportunities that are beneficial for their academic and professional success. Every student go through various pressures during their academic career but those who devise strategies to tackle them are more likely to achieve their objectives in their academic life.
Albert Barkley

Hello, my name is Albert Barkley. I am working as education consultant with a UK based firm after completion of my PhD. I like to write on different social, tech and education trends.

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