All You Need To Know About Three-Minute Thesis Competition

Three-minute thesis competition is also known as 3MT. It is an essential kind of competition which is held in more than 200 universities all around the world. This competition is held on an annual basis. The main aim of this competition is to invite the PhD students and other challenges participants to present their research just in three minutes. This presentation should be presented in an engaging way that it should easily comprehend to the audience members. For the purpose of three-minute competition, we require effective presentation skills, research skills and communication skills. First of all, this competition was held in the University of Queensland in 2008. If you don’t have any idea about three minutes competition, then you can get help from thesis writing services. All you need to know about three-minute thesis competition is given below;

Tips to write three minutes competition

As we have discussed earlier that three-minute competition allows the students to present their research just within three minutes. Therefore, it is a real challenge for the students to summarize their research. Some essential tips to write three minutes competition are given below;

1) The first tip to write a three-minute competition is that you should keep in mind that you are going to write it for the audience members. For this reason, you should try to avoid jargons and to explain the important concepts in your research paper.

2) The second tip to create a monument of 3MT is that you should have a clear outcome in your mind. This thing will provide a clear idea to the students what is the purpose of your research and why you are conducting this research.

3) A 3MT should be presented just like a story. There should be a proper beginning, middle and end of your 3MT.

4) The words, sentences and paragraphs of your 3MT should be as short as possible.

5) Once, you have completed the 3MT writing task, never forget to revise it.

Tips to create your 3MT slides

Before going to create the 3MT slides, you should keep in mind the following tips;

1) You should try to use a single PowerPoint slide.

2) There is no need to use any kind of transition or movement in the PowerPoint slides.

3) You should try to present the PowerPoint slides from the beginning of their oration.

4) There is no need to use sound or video files in your PowerPoint slides.

Tips to practice your 3MT presentation

1) The only way to present your 3MT presentation in an effective way is to practice, practice and practice.

2) While presenting your 3MT presentation, you should keep in mind the vocal range. Your voice should be clear and you should try to use different verities in your voice.

3) Your body language should also be impressive. For effective body language, you should stand straight, you should show confidence, and try to create an effective eye contact with the audience members.

4) Before presenting your presentation, you should try to record and listen to the presentation. This thing will be helpful to remove all the flaws from your presentation.
Albert Barkley

Hello, my name is Albert Barkley. I am working as education consultant with a UK based firm after completion of my PhD. I like to write on different social, tech and education trends.

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